SE7EN Store Guarantees

  • More than 5 years of successful work
    The portal opened together with the store in 2016, and all this time we are pleased with stable prices and unique offers. We have an excellent reputation that cost us a lot of time and effort – we value our customers and work conscientiously.
  • Real reviews
    We work honestly! That is why we were not afraid to open a review module on the page of each product without pre-moderation.


  • Facebook Community
    The assortment of the store is represented in the Facebook Page, which has a reach of over 32 thousand users and an impeccable reputation.
  • Personal WebMoney passport
    We passed a special verification procedure in the Webmoney system and received a personal certificate. This ensures that the owner is a real person and is responsible for the store’s activities.
  • Instant delivery of key
    After payment, the key is automatically sent to the mail you specified. Server placement in 7Launcher – on the day of payment.